National Hive








National hive with flat or varroa bottom board, brood chamber, one or two supers, inner cover or feeder and 6” roof.





Flat Bottom Board

Flat bottom board

Varroa Bottom Board

Varroa bottom board





Brood flat pack


Super flat pack




Inner Cover

Inner cover or feeder

Queen excluder

Galvanized metal grid in a wooden frame





Roof 6” or 7” finger jointed




National Nucleus

National Nucleus

Nucleus Eke

Nucleus Eke




Nucleus Inner Cover

Nucleus Inner Cover

Nucleus Roof

Nucleus roof 6”











British Standard Commercial Bee Hives



Commercial Hive

Commercial hive with flat or varroa bottom board, brood chamber, one or two supers, inner cover or feeder and 6” roof.

Commercial Hive Flat Pack

Commercial hive with flat or varroa bottom board, brood chamber, one or two supers, inner cover or feeder and 6” roof.





Commercial brood box flat pack


Commercial super box flat pack




Inner Cover

Inner cover or feeder

Queen Excluder

Galvanized metal grid in a wooden frame





Roof 6” or 7” finger jointed

Commercial nucleus flat pack

Commercial nucleus flat pack